DXP, DXC, DXO: Why Digital Experience Platforms Unable to Create Exceptional Experiences?

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, businesses are constantly striving to enhance their digital presence and create engaging, seamless online experiences for their customers. Several platforms promise to revolutionize digital experiences, but many e-commerce sites still grapple with issues like low organic traffic, high bounce rates, and poor conversion rates. The root of these challenges lies in the growing silos and a lack of convergence with commerce. What we truly need is a platform that can effectively compose exceptional digital experiences while seamlessly converging with commerce, ultimately optimizing for conversion. 

Understanding the Key Players

Digital Experience Platform (DXP)

DXP is a comprehensive solution aimed at providing a unified digital experience to customers across various touchpoints. It offers a range of tools and functionalities, including content management, personalization, and analytics. However, DXP tends to create silos within organizations, making it challenging to integrate seamlessly with e-commerce systems. This siloed approach not only increases operational complexity but also drives up the TCO.

Digital Experience Orchestration (DXO)

DXO is like the brain of a composable stack. It excels at federating and orchestrating content and data flow from multiple back-end APIs, ensuring that the right content reaches the right channels on the front end. While it addresses the issue of back-end content unification, DXO can sometimes fall short when it comes to converging with e-commerce platforms. Its focus on data sources, while important, often lacks a direct connection with commerce, thereby increasing the tech burden and undermining TCO optimization.

Digital Experience Composition (DXC)

DXC combines component design and API data binding with page-level composition, providing marketers with the ability to craft pages and layouts with various UI components. However, the challenge lies in effectively binding these components to the right back-end data sources. This can result in complexities when trying to align DXC with e-commerce systems.

The Commerce Dilemma

While all these platforms offer valuable tools for enhancing digital experiences, they are not the silver bullets for resolving the challenges faced by e-commerce websites. The issue lies in the growing siloes and the lack of seamless convergence with commerce systems. These digital experience platforms, while promising in their own right, may actually be contributing to the increasing tech burden and unoptimized TCO.

What e-commerce businesses truly need is a platform that can compose exceptional digital experiences with commerce seamlessly converged. This convergence is the key to unlocking the full potential of the digital experience, optimizing organic traffic, reducing bounce rates, and improving conversion rates. By uniting these elements, businesses can enhance their online presence, streamline their digital operations, and provide a superior customer experience.


In the pursuit of transforming digital experiences, e-commerce businesses must carefully evaluate the platforms at their disposal. DXP, DXO, and DXC, while promising, can contribute to tech burdens and unoptimized TCO. Instead of relying solely on these platforms, a more effective approach is to adopt a converged digital experience platform that seamlessly integrates with commerce, ultimately optimizing for conversion. By doing so, as brands, you can truly give an Experiential makeover to your transactional commerce sites.